Thursday, March 6, 2025

Empower Yourself

In just two months you could Improve Your Self-Esteem, Create Yourself Or Reinvent Yourself, Overcome Self-Doubt And Impostor Syndrome, or Negotiate the Life You Deserve with Self-Made You’s Self-Empowerment Courses.

Whether to choose the same old thing or A BETTER LIFE is up to you.



Self-Esteem Membership

Reinvent Yourself Membership

With the Self-Esteem Membership, you’ll gain access to the “Improve Your Self-Esteem Course” (a total of 7 weekly text lessons and 5 worksheets) PLUS some gated additional materials for a period of 2 months.

With the Reinventing Yourself Membership, you’ll gain access to the “Create Yourself Or Reinvent Yourself Course” (a total of 7 weekly text lessons and 6 worksheets) PLUS some gated additional materials for a period of 2 months.

$50.00 now and then $50.00 after 1 month.
Membership expires after 2 months.

$50.00 now and then $50.00 after 1 month.
Membership expires after 2 months.

No Self-Doubt Membership

Negotiating Membership

With the No Self-Doubt Membership, you’ll gain access to the “Overcome Self-Doubt And Impostor Syndrome Course” (a total of 5 weekly text lessons and 5 worksheets) PLUS some gated additional materials for a period of 2 months.

With the Negotiating Membership, you’ll gain access to the “Negotiate The Life You Deserve Course” (a total of 4 weekly text lessons and 2 worksheets) PLUS some gated additional materials for a period of 2 months.

$100.00 ONE-TIME payment.
Membership expires after 2 months.

$60.00 ONE-TIME payment.
Membership expires after 2 months.