Saturday, March 29, 2025

Living Courses And Happiness Courses

Who would benefit Living Courses And Happiness Courses? The better question is, who wouldn’t?!

You were taught and shown and explained how to live and how to be happy.

Some of the advice on living and happiness was well-intentioned; some was put out there to impress you and set unrealistic standards. How is it working for you? Are you satisfied with your life? Are you happy?

Many are not. Why, you ask? Because there isn’t any one, universal, one-size-fits-all recipe for living or happiness. Each of us is different, the life that suits me may not meet your expectations. My definition of happiness may be very different from yours.

To find what kind of living works for you, YOU have to develop the recipe. To be happy, YOU have to create your definition of happiness.

The Living Courses And Happiness Courses will help you set your standards, test, and implement them. It’s your life. It’s your happiness. Life is time. Don’t waste your precious life trying to meet someone else’s standards. Set your own and live well!