Saturday, March 29, 2025

Improve Your Self-Esteem

Healthy self-esteem equals a fulfilling life. The “Improve Your Self-Esteem” course by self-empowerment expert Sturm Enrich teaches how to value yourself and how to elicit appropriate treatment from others.

If your life feels unfair, if you feel like a pawn in a game, if you feel taken advantage of, if most of your pursuits end badly, it may just be that your life IS unfair: unfair because you don’t value yourself enough to represent your value adequately and elicit appropriate responses to whom you are.

Think about it: why don’t you have the life you wish for?…. Take a fresh look: do people with your attitude get what they want?… We both know the answer. Your politeness, repetitive apologies, and false modesty stem from your low self-esteem. Unless you reexamine and CHANGE your beliefs about your value and deservingness, any behavioral changes you may try to force upon yourself will be superficial and bound to fail: life is a complex structure and ANY structure needs a solid foundation.

Life with low self-esteem is painful. Rather than dwell on the pain, I want to stop your suffering right now and empower you for the future so your future can be not just pain-free but built on a new power differential: with YOU having a fair fighting chance.

What am I talking about? Self-esteem and assertiveness are two sides of the same coin. Healthier self-esteem doesn’t automatically upgrade your ability to assert yourself. There is no assertiveness without healthy self-esteem. You need both. (A brief introduction to assertiveness is a part of this course. A more elaborate assertiveness training is a part of the “Negotiate The Life Deserve” course.)

What is self-esteem? Where does self-confidence come from? Why do some people have both in abundance and others suffer from a severe shortage of both? Are you the only one who gets pushed around, squelches anger and disappointment, never asks for what you want; refrains from expressing opinions? Of course, not!

Self-esteem is the product of self-knowledge and life experience. It comes from knowing that you represent a certain value. The lack of self-esteem stems from the conviction that you have little or no value, at all.

The belief that you have little if any value isn’t natural or normal. Circumstances, an event, or a person caused you to doubt your value. For some reason, you not only didn’t correct the false perception of yourself but accepted the false evaluation of yourself as well. The truth is that everybody has value; not everybody is aware of it.

That’s how low self-esteem starts. It gets progressively worse over time. Why? Because we have an amazing ability to adapt to beliefs and expectations regardless of whether they’re true or false.

Self-image is about the feelings and beliefs you have about yourself (whether they’re right or wrong). Feelings and beliefs are INTANGIBLE, the foundation of self-esteem is a TANGIBLE TRACK RECORD that documents your strength and positive qualities. The rest are skills that can be learned and practiced.

“If you’re insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.” Tim Ferriss

Building self-esteem is an effort with an incredible payoff. No superficial makeover, no plastic surgery, or a new outfit can bring more profound or more lasting changes in the quality of your life!

The Improve Your Self-Esteem Course will help you:

• rediscover and validate your value

• learn to value yourself

• learn how to represent your value in public

The Improve Your Self-Esteem Course will help you develop an appreciation of your value and get you started on becoming your advocate. Everything is available for the taking once you have the self-esteem and skills to reach for it!

You’ll get seven weekly text lessons. (One new lesson becomes available to you every week for a period of seven weeks.)

You’ll get five downloadable (printable!) worksheets. (It’s recommended that you take a week to fill out, read, and reread each worksheet.)

You’ll have access to the course for a period of 60 days.


Coach Enrich

Coach Enrich

My name is Sturm Enrich; aka Coach Enrich. I’m a self-empowerment author, and personal development expert with extensive experience in surviving, evolving, and thriving. I’ve been there. I’ve done that. I know what works!